We’re called Q’Apel for the Qu’Appelle River, a waterway that winds through Saskatchewan, Canada. Why? Because this pristine river charts a winding path, full of twists, turns, and straightaways alike. That’s what we do, too. Our cutting-edge products—neurological catheters, specifically—are designed to navigate the twists and turns of the brain’s neurovasculature, empowering therapeutic thrombectomy and cerebral aneurysm devices to deliver life-changing outcomes.
Who We AreKing is a seasoned industry professional bringing more than 35 years of leadership and expertise with medical devices. King currently serves as Director of CardieX, Regenisis Biomedical and Miracles for Kids and was previously President and CEO of Uptake Medical Corporation, a company focused on treatments for emphysema and lung cancer. Prior to that, King served in the cardiovascular space, as president and CEO of Kerberos Proximal Solutions (acquired by FoxHollow Technologies) and as president and CEO of VenPro (acquired by Medtronic). King’s early years in the medical industry were spent at Baxter International and American Hospital Supply Corporation. King holds a Bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and an MBA from the University of Miami School of Business.
“Our ability to see the problem and build a cutting-edge solution in a very timely manner is what differentiates us from our contemporaries and plays a huge role in our success.”
By working side by side with neurological specialists and caregivers, we craft solutions that get straight to the heart of what’s needed. Reach out to learn more.